Sex, Lies & Media - Sex Trafficking
মঙ্গল ২৫ সেপ
|Manchester Community College
Two sessions, 4 and 6:30pm. Admission is free. Register directly at

Time & Location
২৫ সেপ, ২০১৮, ৪:০০ PM
Manchester Community College, 60 Bidwell St, Manchester, CT 06040, USA
About the event
The Manchester Women's Club, Manchester Community College and Selah Freedom are partnering to bring awareness to the growing issue of Domestic Sex Trafficking. Learn how predators use technology to lure innocent youth and how to prevent it.
Selah Freedom is a 501(c)3 non profit organization which leads the country in the anti-sex trafficking movement. They have been recognized for their outstanding accomplishments and outcomes serving this population and partner with the United States Attorney’s Office and the FBI. Their expert staff will teach you how to identify red flags of sex trafficking, which dangerous apps predators target youth through, and how to discuss this issue with your kids.