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MWC Projects 2023-2024


The Manchester Women's Club year runs from September to June. Each September our members vote on the projects we want to be involved for the upcoming year, but, we're also available for a spur of the moment event. We strive to have at least one or two activities a month for our members to help with, but, there are some months, we're busy for several activities a week.

Our 2023 - 2024 MWC Projects include:

Answered Letters to Santa from a Downtown Special District Event


Adopted a family for Thanksgiving (Joy of Community Caring)


Adopted a family for Christmas (Joy of Community Caring)


Arts & Crafts - In addition to participating in creating, we love to support our kids. We provided 50 arts and craft kits to Mary Cheney library for their kids and teens programsw


Blankets – knit, crochet, quilt and donated to local nursing homes, care centers, etc


Blood Drive - we hosted a blood drive and asked donors to bring a pack of baby diapers to help the Foster Families Program.


Book club – Book club meets monthly, usually at a local restaurant. We're a service organization but we also enjoy socializing

Butterfly Stroll - The Downtown Special Service District holds events to highlight our Downtown and MWC celebrates Downtown

Caps for Cancer Patients - this started as a Thank you to the De'Quattro Cancer Center for the help they gave one of our founding members and has grown. We want each patient to know we're thinking of them and want to help make them comfortable. Members knit and crochet caps to keep those undergoing cancer treatment warm.

Christmas and Holiday Cards for Convalescent Homes  We wrote cards to guests of local facilities to let them know we're thinking of them

Community Garden - MWC registered for a plot in the Spruce Street community garden. We planted spring flower bulbs last fall and delivered hundreds of flowers to local long term care facilities. They brightened tables in the dining room.

Cougar Pantry We collect canned goods and dried foods at our monthly meeting and donate them to the CT State Community College Manchester, formerly known as Manchester Community College, Cougar Pantry

Diaper – food drive. Our September ‘Day of Service’ project was to hold a diaper drive to support Gentle Love Diapers and a food collection that collect formula for Gentle Love Diapers and canned food for MACC.


Dinner Club – we have a monthly dinner club. We are a volunteer and service group working in the community, but we also like to have fun and get to know each other


District Days – Manchester and Women’s club in 10 Northeast towns make up the North Central district.  We get together each April to celebrate what we’ve all done


Downtown Special District Scarecrow – We created a Women’s Club scarecrow for Halloween and a Butterfly for the Butterfly Stroll


Fill a purse. We collected purses, filled them with personal items, and donated them to help women who are starting over


Gift Wrap table at Downtown event – We wrapped gifts at Workspace. It gave shoppers an opportunity to support local, to get those special gifts and get them in the house unseen

Docents for Sculpture Project House Tour Our members are available to help, wherever we've needed.

Lap Blankets - Members quilted, knit, and crocheted lap blankets for local convalescent homes, rehab facilities, and long term care facilities

Little Free Libraries Manchester Women's Club partnered with Manchester Recreation Division to install eight Little Free Libraries around town. The MWC LFL cater exclusively to babies to young adults. We're proud that during the quarantine and pandemic, while book stores and libraries were closed. the only place young Manchester readers could get books were from the Little Free Libraries. From our first installation in 2018, MWC has distributed over 15,000 to Manchester readers

MACC  MWC members volunteer at MACC and the MACC thrift store every day of week.

MCSC Manchester Community Services Council – A monthly opportunity to network and hear from local service groups


Midwest Food Pantry – Members volunteer to sort and pack foods to be distributed to local food pantries


MWC Scholarship -  Each year we have a scholarship for a local high school senior who will be continuing her education


National Day of Service – We held a diaper and baby food drive as our service project.



May baskets for nursing home Members created baskets and wrote 'Thinking of you' cards and delivered them to local care facilities

North Central District Day Manchester, along with 10 other towns, comprise the North Central Districts of GFWC and we meet annually to celebrate each clubs achievements and civic contributions.

Northwest Park Butterfly Garden Our members help wherever we're needed. This year, we had a committee of members who got together to weed and deadhead the Northwest Butterfly Garden from spring to fall

Park Clean-up  MWC celebrates all of our parks and strive to keep them clean for our community to enjoy. It's sad that so many litter and dirty the park but our members pick a couple of parks a year and spend the day cleaning up the trash

Prescription Bottle Collection As part of our environmental efforts, MWC has collected prescription pill bottles. We strive to keep the bottles out of the landfills and actively collected, clean, LABEL FREE bottles and mailed them off to Matthew 25 where the bottles are reused in inner-city clinics and Doctors Without Borders. Interested in learning how you can help? please email

Rebuilding Together Each year, MWC members form a team to participate in Rebuilding Together

Summer Picnic – members bring their lunch, blanket or lawn chair, and visit in a local park to enjoy time together during the months the club doesn’t meet


Tag Sale to support our scholarship fund On the 1st Saturday in June, MWC hosts a virtual tag sale. Sellers tell us where their tag sale is and we advertise it on a virtual map. Proceeds support the MWC Scholarship Fund


Trick or Treat  for Downtown – the Downtown District is a place for great food and great fun and MWC volunteers for many activities and events

USPS Operation Santa – we adopt a child or family, shop and ship to help deliver Christmas joy

Volunteered at Silk City Art in the Park Our members help wherever we're needed

Wall that Heals members will be providing support in a variety of ways, from candle light vigil to directions to helping with rubbings and more

Wreaths Across America members volunteer in cemeteries around town to place wreaths at veteran’s headstones for Wreaths across Americans and Memorial Day


© 2024 by GFWC Manchester CT  Women's Club 

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